Thursday, August 29, 2013

News :P

Yes i get this much daily.....i get more on the weekends.
Hehe Don't you just love the back to school background? its kinda cute to bad i hate school xD

Monday, August 26, 2013

You Replied to my Comments " i " will reply to yours.

I understand friendship very clearly "friendship is giveing ppl your time and care :) always being there for them when they need your help, showing kindness and generosity, being truthful , telling each other everything ,someone to laugh with, knowing that they will never hurt you, being helpful, being someone you can always talk to and someone you can Cry too <3   so i hope u can see i know friendship pretty well & why are u talking about fame? the matter never came up but thus u bring it up.
Um you can't  judge someone on what they wright when they were not  speaking to you.

Once again you judge be for you ask, you don't even know me but assume i'm full of hate? btw i wasn't talking to you & as a Christian we are never allowed to hate anyone so get your facts right be for u make stuff up God gave us emotions and he wants us to use them so if i get mad  "i'm mad its not a sin to use our emotions so you don't need to feel sorry for me cuz i know when i die i'll have a nice pare of "white" Angel wings :)

um that's your opinion but everyone dosnt have to waire orange in "my" opinion i cant stand the color anymore i use to like it but  suddenly dislike it.

Then why dose orange make me cry? and idk what the sunrise is like were you live but its peach when i see it btw i just say "thank the lord for giveing us a new day" x

Whats sad is how you judge ppl by they're cover and not by they're pages.

This is and was Never ment to be a hate post this is just a post in reply to someones comments.

so someone commented about how i hate her when i just said this was just a reply post as u can see none of these comments show hate whats so ever, i told u ppl once and i'll tell you again i detest bulling thus i dont do it.
btw gonna say it again i do not hate her, i dislike her but not hate her if any one of you people even bothered to check! i have a artbook on Forgiveness its called "don't turn back look ahead"

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Yes i'm a bit crazy.

so viper is back.... and left a comment on "My" wall saying "i never talk to him" -.- so i replied as u can see in the pic. I dont hate that orange girl for the sake of hateing her, i dislike her because she made my bff cry in tears and then.....Made HER ALMOST HAVE A METAL BRAKE-DOWN AND ALMOST DELETIED HER ACCOUNT, now would any of u wanna see ur best friend cry? i dont think so. But on msp and my blog im just gonna leave her alone cuz she keeps giveing me headacks


So thanks to my bff :), i found out about this little nugget makeing up none-sence saying that she was me, as if i would dress my account so poorly.

What the fuge?

I'm am a very kind person :) but when ppl leave stuff like this on my wall things will get mega uglo.


Just wanted to post a pic of a short but fun party i was at xD it got cray cray very fast :D

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Happy Second Birthday to my Account :P

I know i was sopose to make this post yesterday "the 12th" but yesterday was officialy the second year that iv been playing Msp :) So happy birthday to my account :P